Sunday, December 10, 2006

WOW! Who Knew?

I feel so popular, 16 comments from my very first posting. I know 3 were from me, but that’s still FOURTEEN WOW, that’s way more than my wife gets. And yes maybe a few other people have left multiple comments but really, that just shows you how interesting they thought my very first blog was so they could not help themselves but to return and leave more comments.

Who knew, my blog would become so popular. Who knew, what a life changing effect this would have on so many people. Who knew, that all it would take is one earth shattering blog post to put me on the road to blogging greatness. Who Knew, this blog, my very first blog, a blog of a lifetime could open so many doors for me, I can feel my luck changing already.

First of all I would like to thank the little people who got me started in blog, The Dixie Chick for showing such courage in posting the 38 week and holding picture, to Marc for his kind words and forgiveness for not visiting his blog and of coarse Randall (I’m not sure what Randall did but he’s a pastor and its good to thank them, it might help down the road). Last but not least my gracious wife who encouraged me to blog knowing full well there was the strong possibility that my site could become the most popular site amongst our circle of friends, completely over shadowing her blog that she has been working on for years.

Who knew, this little boy from Gransile, BC whose voice didn’t change until grade 12 would grow up to leave that cozy lakeside town and would set out on a journey of such epic proportions. As I look back on that journey I recount the steps that have made me the man before you today. The failing out of Uvic, the coming home at Christmas to sample the home brew of Bebop’s dad (and live to tell about it), the countless nights spent in the Vu Villa of Butte, MT shooting pool and consuming beer. Moving to Prince Albert was the final chapter in a textbook story of rags to riches. I can only imagine what the future holds.

The amount of support I’ve received has motivated me to become more, more than just the most popular blog amongst our friends, but the most popular in all of Prince Albert and even out as far as Shellbrook. My blog will be the standard for which all blogs are judged against. When people ask (and they will ask) did you read “THE BLOG” today they will automatically know they are referring to “The Blog of Trevor Herd”.

For all of those who want to meet the man behind the blog I will be having an autograph session on Thursday, December 14th from 12:00 to 1:00pm @ Ricki’s in Prince Albert. Donations will be accepted with all proceeds going to buying me lunch.


Anonymous said...

Well great second blog. Home brew always made you smarter. We made some great memories in the days of Granisle. We also made some great memories in Vancouver, Prince George. Don't forget the soup jacket. Hugs to you all.


Dixie Vandersluys said...

Oh my! Talk about things going to your head?! But, I'm afraid yours will never be "The Blog" until you post a picture of you in a speedo...

(PS. Could you change your comment settings so that you can sign in through more than Google and Blogger? That way people outside of those two things can link directly to their blogs...)

Dixie Vandersluys said...

Quite frankly, I'm thinking of quitting blogging while I'm ahead. The power and the glory of the The Blah Blah Blogging is too much to face. You're chugging along and we're all going to be steamrolled if we don't get out of the way.

As an aside, aren't you an engineer? 16-3=14? Is that engineering math? I didn't realize there was such a thing. But then they had engineering English at the University, so I suppose it's possible.

Unknown said...


That last comment was Marc's (mine). I forgot to sign out of Dixie's account. Blast.

polarpegs said...

Okay I just have a few things on my mind Mr. Blah.

1. I don't care if your blog gets more comments. My blog has substance...just for me.

2. Dixie, he would have to know the first thing about changing his comments in order to allow outside commenters. The guy doesn't read so don't expect that to happen too soon. (Unless I do it for him and I do know his password so I could)

3. MOST IMPORTANTLY. You jumped from drinking beer at the Vu to living in Prince Albert? Do the last 13 years mean nothing to you? You putz. I guess I have had absolutely no influence on your life seeing as though there was a huge GAP there.

4. Sorry for calling you a putz on the internet for all the world to see. You actually had me crying with laughter over this post. I needed to laugh at you again. Can't wait to see you tomorrow.

polarpegs said...

Oh yeah...

I was thinking the same thing as Marc. Not only does he not read he doesn't add or subtract well either.

Anonymous said...

HEY: Give Mr. Blog a break he had a very sheltered education. He can't help it. He was in the top of his Grade 12 class. 1 out of 14. That's why he married such a WONDERFUL BRIGHT WOMAN. So you would'nt see his education faults. Just cause your names on a diploma doesn't make you a genius!!!! I have to agree with the whole password thing though. It's a pain. But I will get through it. I get such a laugh each time I read it.


Monika said...

Your second post, and it's already getting to your much so that you are not even subtracting basic calculations correctly anymore!

Randall Friesen said...


Well done Trevor. I always knew you would amount to something.

In fact there was a piece about the recognition in the paper this morning.

I clipped it out for you. Saved it at

Becky said...

Lol. Love the post.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, Trev. You crack me up! Awesome.

Anonymous said...

Although I did notice your ratings are going down this post so I thought I'd throw in an extra comment to beef up your falling ratings.

Anonymous said...

I will always read Peggy's first,then yours. I am not a blogger and I don't think I will ever become one..but hey isn't that what you said.I enjoy reading yours, sorry I will not be at the signing but I know where you live
Love your SIL Les

Anonymous said...

ok are you afriad to blog, do have anything else to say....I will keep checking .....

Anonymous said...

I haven't done this before, and I don't know if I am doing this right now, but I've been looking for Trevor Herd from Granisle, BC for a few years now and it looks like you might be him. I was in your Grade 12 graduating class, and yes, I too was at the top of it... my brother was in grade 11. My Dad was our teacher. I live in Ontario now, but spent some years in Vancouver. You might remember me as Ugh!
This is Tracey hoping you are the Trevor I'm looking for.